Renaming our Facebook Page

March 1, 2019

As we are a group company of Native Camp, Inc. providing online ESL services, we have decided to revise the name and logo of our Facebook page.
This is in order to unify and rebrand as the Native Camp group.
"Golden Great Peak English, Inc." will now become "Native Camp for Teachers".



Native Camp Group
Golden Great Peak English, Inc.

Unit 3 ABC, 3rd floor JDN Square,
P. Remedio St., Banilad,
Cebu City.

+63 977 206 3825 / (032) 520-3852

If you are not familiar with the place, here's how you can locate us:
P. Remedio St. is the street across Oftana Suites where you can see a pine tree beside Design Center building. As you walk along that street, you will see the sign board of JDN Square.